Our main goal is to provide Best Health Care, best patient experience with every patient, every visit, every consultation.
Solapur Hospital, Solapur, Maharashtra is a 50-bed advanced healthcare facility in Solapur offering state-of-the-art facilities for the treatment of Endoscopic procedures, Hepatobiliary and Liver Surgeries, Surgical & Medical Gastroenterology, Bariatric Surgery
It is known for its complex care approach which requires experts from different medical specialities. Such medical specialities are provided by experienced and world-class experts, thereby ensuring the unparalleled care everyone deserves.
Delivering exceptional healthcare is a way of life at Gleneagles global!
It's something we strive for, everyday, for everyone!
Our primary goal is strengthening lives through compassionate care, innovative therapies and relentless efforts and this reflects in the DNA of our passionate team of doctors and dedicated clinical staff.
Hear the inspirational stories of our patients in their journey towards recovery.